Micro-Blockchain Enabled Shipping Technology
Transparent Global Multimodal Movements
Optimized Marketplace insures Best Rate/Service Selection
E-Invoicing with Single Line Billing
Discounted 100% NO-RISK Shipment Insurance
No More Paper

Why Choose STAAR SCS

Shipment Transparency:

STAAR SCS APIs’ keep you connected to your shipments 24/7, and give you and your entire team real-time access to the critical data points needed to make informed and intelligent decisions. Daily from 0800 to 2000 EDT STAAR SCS’ team of Operations Specialists are available; and, anytime your products are in transit.

Dedicated Operations Support:

STAAR SCS Dedicated Operations personnel work for each of our clients; and, they are looking forward tom working for and with you. Their knowledge and Customer Service skills get recognized and appreciated daily by STAAR SCS clients. Put STAAR SCS to work for you today – reach out today and see how easy it is to SAVE MONEY in 2024.

Simplified Invoicing Online:

Carrier invoices can be confusing to audit and pay for any company. With STAAR SCS simplified E-billing all of the “NOISE” has been removed from the invoice process; and, the bill reduced down to what matters most to your company.

Leading Multi-Modal TMS:

STAAR SCS empowers all clients with NO-COST access to our proprietary Transportation Management System (TMS). From SHIPSCS clients can optimize both cost and service for any transportation need from a Parcel shipment to a Flat Bed Truck. Reach out today and take STAAR SCS for a TEST DRIVE.

You will Spend less Money:

STAAR SCS takes ownership in Reducing Costs and Eliminating Expenses within every engaged client. Beginning with our 24/7 ERA Operations model, STAAR SCS takes pride in empowering and enabling companies to reach new heights while delivering their delivering products to their Market of person.

Services We Offer

Parcel Optimization

In today’s ever-changing and confusing world of parcel shipping options you need to have unrestricted access…


Managed Operations

The process of a domestic delivery can take anywhere from 1 to 5 days. With SCS you have our Operations team watching over…



Chose and configure the SCS APP design that best fits your needs. The set up is simple and you can…


Don’t feel like talking today?

Click below and Register to take SCS for a test drive today

‘ERA’ is defined by our client missions:



Let STAAR SCS eliminate costs from your supply chain.   Maybe you will find the SCS Marketplace offers you a shipping rate than you currently have; or, perhaps you need to eliminate manual errors and use the custom SMART automation within SHIP SCS; and possibly, when your company loses necessary and critical paper documents in the shipping process you set off a series of needless costs that can be remedied by taking your department paperless with SCS enabled VISIONPAD for document management.   Want to find out what SCS can eliminate for you today?



With SCS Dedicated Operations you can instantly reduce FTE overhead costs; and, empower your employees to do more than repeat a manual task that has already been done.   You could even simply remove the cost of paper and all of the manual and associated costs that go with it using VISIONPAD.  Want to see what SCS can help you remove  from your process costs today?



Adding profit to the bottom line is every company’s goal, and when you engage with STAAR SCS MARKETPLACE your shipping department as access to tens of carrier options in every mode/service.   In using the MARKETPLACE companies are able to see instant returns from their supply chain that can be distributed across multiple SBU’s.   Aren’t you at least curious to find where your company rates fall within the SCS MARKETPLACE.   Register for a TEST DRIVE today.   You can even load your carrier rates into our SMART API, and see how much you can save on each and every shipment/service/mode.

The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones that do.

2024 STAAR SCS Achievements


“The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones that do.”


@STAAR SCS, we have AMBITIOUS GOALS for 2024 with our Partners:


Help companies deliver over 1,000,000 shipments in 2023…


Consistently and Continually release NEW Supply Chain Performance Applications


Help companies take their entire shipping department PAPERLESS in 2023…


Empower companies with TMS Applications to customize their company’s own Transportation Blockchain

Featured cases

Do you want to raise your bottom line?

Get in Touch Now!

844-SHIP-SCS (744-7727)