Automation And Streamlined Process
Shipment Management
The process of a domestic delivery can take anywhere from 1 to 5 days. With SCS you have our Operations team watching over each shipment made. Technology with will do the heavy lifting; and, STAAR SCS Experienced Operations staff will manage the first mile, the final mile; and, of course the late shipments. To have SCS Operations as part of your TEAM – your extended family – that is what we aim for. Register today for a TEST DRIVE!!
Rate & Process Improvement
No more entering data in multiple systems, or handwriting instructions. All the documents and details are kept together with your shipment. Automatically print labels, invoices, and BOLS. Simplify return shipments, create new rules to help business users follow policy (VAAPP), and even attach documents.
SCS Transportation Technology connects you to the business-critical software you already use… Because we use Machine Learning in all our shipping processes – – – SHIP SCS gets smarter (so to say) with each and every shipment.
Net Savings Approach
When you become a client with STAAR SCS you have the option to access the SCS Marketplace. In the Marketplace you will find shipment comparison costs and services. Often you will find lower rates/costs for the service you have queried; and, these lower rates you can access as your own as well simply by being in the Marketplace. @ SHIP SCS we are most interested in your final price paid; and, not the “quote” you receive. Shipping has become expensive and a large cost item with most companies. SHIP SCS takes prides in raising a client’s Bottom Line through comprehensive carrier tariffs, and relationships. Takes SCS for a TEST DRIVE today (button linking them to register).

Rate & Process Improvement
Free Technology
Net Savings Approach
Rate & Process Improvement
No more entering data in multiple systems, or handwriting instructions. All the documents and details are kept together with your shipment. Automatically print labels, invoices, and BOLS. Simplify return shipments Create rules to help business users follow corporate policy Attach documents Create HAZMAT shipping support documents Autopopulate NMFCs and commodities
Free Technology
connects to the business critical software you already use. More than 300 pre-integrated solutions for: ERP,
WMS, Inventory systems. CRM.
Because we have a bi-directional sync, shipment data like tracking information, costs, shipment details and other relevant data are also RETURNED to your business systems.
Net Savings Approach
If you’re sending shipments all over the world, batch shipping could save you money and time. Simply upload your address list and your shipment details and you’ll find the lowest cost options available. Then complete your batch shipment with a single click.